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Ronan Goes to College

Special thanks to Robby for the photos.

When I started college this semester, I informed my professor, who didn’t know me well at the time, that I might be absent if I had to take care of Ronan.  “Unless you don’t mind me bringing him to class.” I joked; some professors like kids. “Don’t bring him to class. He’ll only disrupt everything.” He replied.

Fast forward a semester, and I informed my professor that I wasn’t coming to the last class; Terry had a video competition to judge at work and couldn't bring Ronan. Somewhere in between my notice that I wouldn’t be there, and the actual day of the last class, the professor relented and said that he’d prefer I attend, and if that meant bringing Ronan, than I should bring him. After all, it's the last class.

By now we’re old hat at traveling together to Brooklyn College, so the train trip passed quickly. He didn’t even seem to get too excited about the trip.

He was very excited, at least for a while, about coming to class. He greatly enjoyed walking around and visiting with the other students. He especially enjoyed one students’ walkman headphones, which he kept pulling out of her pocketbook. He also stole her bottle of water.

At one point he sat on the professors’ lap. This was fun for everyone; except apparently Ronan.

He really enjoyed sitting on my shoulders, which caused great laughter when he started giggling up there.

Eventually he was bored, and I carried him on my shoulders to look out the window and around the place. He really wanted to push the stroller around and was frustrated that he couldn’t do that.

Finally he got a little cranky so I took him out. It was a little premature; the class ended quite early five minutes later.

Perhaps Ronan will return to college; perhaps not. It will be up to him. However much he enjoyed his first day, the class seemed to enjoy it much more.


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