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Blue Meanie Meyers

Because so many people have called to see if Terry is doing okay in the last weeks (days?) of pregnancy, we've asked Blue Meanie Meyers to step in as Ronan. Just because so many of you are Jonesing to see this baby, this is what he will look like, only probably (hopefully) not blue:

blue meanie 2

Blue Meanie Meyers is smaller than Ronan, which disappoints my parents, who want a large baby so they can lord it over their friends that their grandchild is bigger out-of-the-womb. So these photos are not to scale. However, they will give you an indication of what Ronan will look like in his crib.

blue meanie 1

The odd pillow-shaped device will keep Ronan from getting flat head syndrome from sleeping on his back. Also, Ronan will probably not be able to stand like Blue Meanie Meyers.

Blue Meanie Meyers will be adopted by a good friend, some say a third McDonald brother, who is a rabid beatle fan, even more than Terry.

Finally, these images were taken with my new camera phone. So if you can receive multimedia mail, please E-mail me and I will send you a Ronan photo from the hospital.


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