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Expectant Parent Fantasy Land Magazines

If you’re an expectant parent, corporations are very enthusiastic about your upcoming baby. Not because they actually care, but because you’re about to spend thousands of dollars on stuff every few months unless you stunt the kid’s growth. (NOTE: I am not planning on stunting the kid’s growth.)

This barrage starts with parenting magazines. They are creeping me out! The lack of Dads that actually participate in the kids’ upbringing disturbs me. Plus, the women seem to sit in white rooms wearing white clothes with exposed bellies and practice yoga.

I’ve selected many examples of weird photographs. They tend not to come with captions, so I don’t know what is going on here. Sometimes they have weird quotes from the articles from the magazine that appeared on the same page as the photos. I find the juxtaposition disturbing as well.

Anyway, enjoy.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 1, 2007 12:00 AM.

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